Disable Windows 10 enhancementsĪre you on Windows 10? Are you running WoW in windows mode? Great! Go to “this PC”, click “Advanced System Settings”, then go to “Performance Settings” and set “Adjust windows for best performance”. (Both when the game is launched from the BattleNet client and also as a small warning triangle on the character login menu). WoW will in most cases inform you when you start the game that the graphics card graphics are not up to date.
So I’d recommend to check for updates if you didn’t do it recently. Upgrade to the latest drivers might seem obvious, but for some reason my Geforce Experience didn’t update them automatically. Sources are listed at the bottom of this post. Did the new expansion Battle for Azeroth kill your FPS? No problem at all! With this guide, we will make sure your game run as smoothly as before! This guide is a compiled tutorial from several online sources which I collected online.