Now, ever forum post I saw actuly get this close to solving the problem, either just died or gave up. Error 126: The specified module could not be found' 'could not start the Windows Audio service on local computer. How ever few (I'm one of these guys) the service would not start, instead we get this error Alot of people were able to solve their problem by simply clicking the start service button and it all worked fine onse again. It apears that Windows Audio service is dissplayed as 'stopped' even tho it's set to Automatic. I have researched it quite a bit and found a few poeple with exactly the same problem. So this is not a driver or hardware problem, this is a windows problem. In control panel> Sounds and Audio devices is sais ' no audio device', but in Winamp or Ventrilo I went into the options and is output device it was set to some defalt generic item, I changed it back to my onboard sound and now winamp play mp3s just fine, as well as ventrillo. I reinstaled the drivers, and uninstalled the onboard sound from hardware manager, and manualy reinstalled it, none of it did anything. Onboard sound is turned on in BIOS, in device manager it displayed as woking properly. A few days ago after a system crash I lost all sound, the volume control was gone and error saying no mixer is preset would appear every time I tryed to play a sound. I have a difficult but interesting problem.